The Madras High court today said as per 'dharma', sons are duty-bound to maintain the mother and directed a man settled in Canada and earning Rs. 3 lakh a month, to provide his mother living in India with Rs. 15,000 a month. Disposing of a criminal revision petition filed by the first son of the woman, Pon Devaki, Justice S Vimala of the Court's Madurai Bench, said the "right of the mother to expect her children to maintain (her) is not only statutory right, constitutional right, fundamental right, natural and moral right but also human right." The petition challenged the order of the Madurai Family Court to pay Rs. 3000 a month to his mother. The judge said "as per "dharma", the sons are duty-bound to maintain the mother. When dharma says that sons should take care of their parents, it means duty, breach of duty is punishable," the judge said. The judge said the son should not have made his mother approach the Family Court. The first s...